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Go High Sleep Low

Go High Sleep Low


A murder mystery set in Nepal. A group of employees from an Australian ethical investment company is trekking the Annapurna Circuit as a staff bonding exercise. When one of the group is murdered in his sleep, a Nepalese policeman commences investigations. Relationships between the group members are tested, sometimes to breaking point as they trek to the high pass at Thorong La. After a nearly fatal crossing in a blizzard, the journey continues down the Kali Gandaki Valley to Pokhara and Kathmandu before the murderer is exposed, motives and accomplices revealed.


Mark was naked and dead. I stared at the bruised knife wounds in his chest. Four hours ago I had been sitting on top of him and he had been very much alive. When I retuned to my room he had been a happy man. Now his lips were blue and his chest was covered with congealed blood. His eyes were closed, the lids pale and lifeless. The room smelled like a Butcher’s shop.

The Nepalese policeman touched my elbow. I flinched. He had introduced himself as Inspector Ramesh Thapa. He was allowing one person at a time to view the body.

‘This is a gentleman of your acquaintance?’


‘When you were last seeing him?’

‘That would have been just after dinner. We all ate together and a few of us stayed

at the bar, drinking.’

I stared at Mark’s face. There was no expression. His skin was pallid. There was no doubt he was dead. The smell was awful.

‘This gentleman ...’

‘His name is Mark.’

‘Mr Mark is drinking?’

‘Mark liked his beer.’

‘You were drinking with Mr Mark?’

‘Yes, until he joined a card game with some German trekkers. I went to bed soon after that.’

Went to bed and waited until I heard him return to his room.


ISBN 978-0-9756257-1-2

Amazon  https://tinyurl.com/mr36df4d



Kate Faulds is an Artist with an Honours Degree in Fine Art from Curtin University. She has exhibited in Perth, Sydney, New Delhi and Dhaka. She is also a Florist, Archivist, Librarian and Mother.